
Pharmacy Blog

Investment Wisdom: Growing Your Wealth as a Pharmacist

Investment Wisdom: Growing Your Wealth as a Pharmacist

Pharmacists and pharmacy owners have the potential to become high-income earners, which then provides them with unique opportunities for further wealth accumulation through investment. This allows them the potential for successful investment, although, due to the time...

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Capital Gains Change: Budget 2024

Capital Gains Change: Budget 2024

In the proposed Budget 2024, the federal government is amending the Income Tax Act, effective June 25, 2024. This amendment will raise the inclusion rate for capital gains. For corporations and trusts, the rate will increase from one-half to two-thirds. For...

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Home Buyers’ Plan: Explanation and Budget 2024 Changes

Home Buyers’ Plan: Explanation and Budget 2024 Changes

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that enables you to withdraw funds from your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) to purchase or build a qualifying home. The home can be either for yourself or a specified disabled person. The current maximum withdrawal...

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